Posted by wayne on Feb 18 2005 in Programming
Extracting Column Names for a Table in SQL as a CSV String
I had a need (creating CSV BCP files) that required knowing the column names of a MS SQL table in the order they were created. Some inspiration from Mark Clerget and a little fooling around with SQL Query Analyzer resulted in the following.
DECLARE @c varchar(4000), @t varchar(128)
SET @c = ''
SET @t='authors'
SELECT @c = @c + + ', '
FROM syscolumns c INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON =
WHERE = @t
ORDER BY colid
SELECT Substring(@c, 1, Datalength(@c) - 2)
Which gives the following result:
au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone, address, city, state, zip, contract
Perfect. Note the use of @c = @c + in the select clause to colapse 9 rows into 1 row. I've used this technique many times in the past to generate a single string from multiple rows without resorting to cursors.