Posted by wayne on Mar 04 2009 in Agile
PADNUG Talk: Kanban presentation
My talk at PADNUG last night went very well. We had standing room only, with many new faces. Rich and Jason run a great meeting - thanks guys.
There were a few requests to post my "slides" which I have done. Be sure to check out Prezi, the company who is making this cool presentation tool.
I also wanted to provide some links to some of the books and sites I referred to during the talk.
Book: Software by Numbers: Low-Risk, High-Return Development
Book: Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit (Agile Software Development Series)
- Site: The Agile Manifesto
- Site: Real Options (podcast)
- Tool: Trichord
Update 3/28 - I forgot to give credit to Karl Scotland for a couple of the diagrams - Sorry Karl!